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When the postal survey on legalising same-sex marriage was announced, an extra 90,000 Australians registered to vote. And the upcoming 2019 election has seen the highest ever enrolment rate ever – 96.8%.

With 1.69 million of the 16.4 million Australians now registered, issues affecting young people should be high on the agenda. After all, we represent just over 10% of voters.

And yet, when we look at the policies, the way they are being pitched, and the focus of spending and programs – there’s little focus on the needs and aspirations of young people. Or is there?

What would YOU like to see in the big picture of your future?

Join us for #electionWIRE on Twitter

Rather than just hearing what the political parties want to tell us, we want to hear your perspectives:

  • What’s important for you in the election?
  • What are your frustrations?
  • What do you want to see change?

Hosted by comedian, film-maker and rabble-rouser, Dan Ilic, you can join us on Twitter, following the hashtag #electionWIRE:

Where: Twitter
When: 6pm AEST
Who to follow: @Vibewire @DanIlic

We are creating a list of topics – but we’d love to hear from you. We’ve got:

  • Climate change
  • Housing affordability
  • New Start
  • Homelessness
  • Mental health

But if you have a topic you’d like to discuss, leave a comment below. Or just turn up on Thursday night and share your perspectives on #electionWIRE.